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105 Hostages still in Gaza.
Bring Them Home. Now. 🇮🇱🎗️

Movies are Machines

Written in


“By an enormous speed up of assembly-line segements, the movie camera rollsup the real world onto a spool, to be unrolled and translated later onto the screen.” Expand on that.

Homework from Andrew McLuhan’s Understanding Media intensive, quote from UM

It takes a village to make a movie. Many famous 20th century production powerhouses would feature their studio images in their production cards. They were huge, many hangers, entire worlds. And on those sets were hundreds of specialized workers – makeup, costume, sets, pet trainers, guns and explosions, alien ship accuracy. Though it resembled more an ant’s mound than a beehive or a factory assembly line, the studio was a factory. And while it tooks months to make that movie, the finished product is a mere two hours. Which came out on a tape, which when played through a projector (which is a camera in reverse) the tape looked like car wheels driving in the direction of the movie’s end. That world of depth that is the studio’s production gets stamped onto frames by the camera, much like a huge machine stamping out license plates. What’s fascinating about this quote, is that the finished product is both produced and “consumed”? by machines that use wheels to express that world into or out of the medium.
